The Alexian Group was born to promote Romani culture as a world and European heritage in particular. So many musicians have drawn on Romani music, but hardly any have contributed to a recognition of this influence.
With the Alexian Group’s concerts, one travels from India to Spanish flamenco via historical and cultural reflection, because each style brings with it a different collective identity.
“People do not meet, they meet again” goes an old saying, and this is what happened to those who attended Santino Spinelli and the Alexian Group’s concert in Turin, at Cascina Falchera – a community hub in a rural neighbourhood devoted to experiment social and ecological innovation – thanks to Liberitutti Cooperativa Sociale.
Learning about Roma culture is the first tool to fight stereotypes and prejudices. Let’s listen to the words of Santino Spinelli, with Marco Buemi (HERO project manager) and Rasid Nikolic (activist and artist).