Community festival
After a successful start, the Herdelezi Festival took place for the second time – on Saturday, 06.05.23. The organizers, Romano Than e.V., save space e.V. and Grünbau gGmbH, are responding to the positive feedback from the communities and are once again organizing a festival with prominent live music, dance, games and fun for children and families, sponsored by the city district marketing Innenstadt-Nord. As cooperation partners, various well-known players in the city were again supporting the festival this year: in addition to booths of municipal organizations, AWO, dobeq, vast vasteste and the Romani sewing manufactory Amen Juvlja Mundial will offer a variety of activities to participate, see and be amazed.
On the stage there was a special show with live music and dance theater. For the physical well-being provides this year a food truck of the Biercafé West, which offers smaller menus at fair prices. In addition, there were numerous offers for children and young people, where there were no limits to creativity (such as graffiti workshop, face painting for children an creating your own buttons).
The spring festival Herderlezi is also known as Djurdjevan or Hıdırellez, is called St. George’s Day in the Christian Orthodox area. The special thing is that this holiday has a meaning across different cultures. The spring festival is one of the most important cultural celebrations not only in the communities of the Eastern European Rom:nja. The day is also celebrated in some Muslim, Alevi and Yezidi communities.
As last year, there was a mobile “Gadjé advice center” where interested visitors from the majority society could ask questions about the culture and history of the Rom:nja and Sinte:zze in Dortmund and about the history of the spring festival.
You can taste the atmosphere from out pictures!
After a successful start, the Herdelezi Festival took place for the second time – on Saturday, 06.05.23. The organizers, Romano Than e.V., save space e.V. and Grünbau gGmbH, are responding to the positive feedback from the communities and are once again organizing a festival with prominent live music, dance, games and fun for children and families, sponsored by the city district marketing Innenstadt-Nord. As cooperation partners, various well-known players in the city were again supporting the festival this year: in addition to booths of municipal organizations, AWO, dobeq, vast vasteste and the Romani sewing manufactory Amen Juvlja Mundial will offer a variety of activities to participate, see and be amazed.
On the stage there was a special show with live music and dance theater. For the physical well-being provides this year a food truck of the Biercafé West, which offers smaller menus at fair prices. In addition, there were numerous offers for children and young people, where there were no limits to creativity (such as graffiti workshop, face painting for children an creating your own buttons).
The spring festival Herderlezi is also known as Djurdjevan or Hıdırellez, is called St. George’s Day in the Christian Orthodox area. The special thing is that this holiday has a meaning across different cultures. The spring festival is one of the most important cultural celebrations not only in the communities of the Eastern European Rom:nja. The day is also celebrated in some Muslim, Alevi and Yezidi communities.
As last year, there was a mobile “Gadjé advice center” where interested visitors from the majority society could ask questions about the culture and history of the Rom:nja and Sinte:zze in Dortmund and about the history of the spring festival.
You can taste the atmosphere from out pictures!
After a successful start, the Herdelezi Festival took place for the second time – on Saturday, 06.05.23. The organizers, Romano Than e.V., save space e.V. and Grünbau gGmbH, are responding to the positive feedback from the communities and are once again organizing a festival with prominent live music, dance, games and fun for children and families, sponsored by the city district marketing Innenstadt-Nord. As cooperation partners, various well-known players in the city were again supporting the festival this year: in addition to booths of municipal organizations, AWO, dobeq, vast vasteste and the Romani sewing manufactory Amen Juvlja Mundial will offer a variety of activities to participate, see and be amazed.
On the stage there was a special show with live music and dance theater. For the physical well-being provides this year a food truck of the Biercafé West, which offers smaller menus at fair prices. In addition, there were numerous offers for children and young people, where there were no limits to creativity (such as graffiti workshop, face painting for children an creating your own buttons).
The spring festival Herderlezi is also known as Djurdjevan or Hıdırellez, is called St. George’s Day in the Christian Orthodox area. The special thing is that this holiday has a meaning across different cultures. The spring festival is one of the most important cultural celebrations not only in the communities of the Eastern European Rom:nja. The day is also celebrated in some Muslim, Alevi and Yezidi communities.
As last year, there was a mobile “Gadjé advice center” where interested visitors from the majority society could ask questions about the culture and history of the Rom:nja and Sinte:zze in Dortmund and about the history of the spring festival.
You can taste the atmosphere from out pictures!
HERO | housing employment for roma people
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